Thursday, February 9, 2017

module 3/Blog 3/ Gino Fideles

                                                                                                                    Gino Fideles
                                                                                                                   Module #3

The Promise of Wireless An Overview of a Device-To-Cloud mHealth Solution
Rajeev Rajan
Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology / Association For The Advancement Of Medical Instrumentation

The article was chosen because  the topic Overview of a Device-to-Cloud Solution is an important solution to be considered in using wireless solutions and  Cloud  concept  in storing  data in various healthcare information systems. Its a interesting concept because  it enables clinicians  and patients to  use wireless  and cloud technology to  send, access and retrieve data  wherever there is a wireless  signal or connection.  For clinicians,  it is the chance to  increase  and promulgate the usage of wireless  medical  and  communication devices to   for data access, and  data  transmission. For patients,  it is a chance to increase  their independence   and participation in self care through  using medical devices for data input  of their health values  and testing  for physician review. Either way,   the usage of wireless and cloud technology  enhances self dependence, data input efficiency,  and  improves data entry by both patients and clinicians. However, the focus of the article is towards the purpose of remote health  monitoring (RHM). Continua Health Alliance (2012) defines RHM as " a technology that facilitates the monitoring, evaluation, and management of an individual patient through a remote interface that collects clinical data from the patient, such as vital signs and blood pressure, and then transmits the data to a remote healthcare provider for clinical review, care management, and patient education".  The use of RHM  via usage of wireless and cloud devices offers solution to the following problems in healthcare such as : decreased  healthcare cost; decreased healthcare   facility overcrowding;  increased patient /family healthcare participation; real time remote care self management of care by patients/patient's family; faster  response  and more efficient  healthcare management by clinicians. For healthcare delivery, it enables  more patient participation to their care , accompanied by increased healthcare knowledge by patients. It also  increases the patient-centered approach  coordination by  healthcare teams. Another healthcare implication of this article  is that it allows  increased mobilized healthcare mediation by healthcare professionals  at home and on the streets prior to ED or hospital arrival. This  also pushes clinicians and healthcare  towards home health management  of  medical diseases and conditions  for efficient and rapid response   and treatment. Application to my practice include  increased patient  education  for patients  for increasing the use of technology for use at home for management of chronic diseases  or those  medical condition that do not warrant an emergency room / hospital visit.


Continua Health Alliance (2012).  Retrieved June 20, 2012  from
Rajan, R. (2012). The promise of wireless: an overview of a device-to-cloud mHealth solution. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology / Association For The Advancement Of Medical Instrumentation, Suppl26-32. doi:10.2345/0899-8205-46.s2.26.


  1. The cloud is a wonderful invention because of the ability to store and retrieve information. There are so many outlets for pateints and providers to use to improve healthcare choices. Amazing times.

  2. The cloud is a great resource and I believe that something like this would be great. My only concern is security. Wireless access can be insecure and communications between the wireless device and the cloud must be encrypted.

  3. Mobile Health Technology would be a great solution to engage patients in their care. Patients, their physicians, pharmacists, and other therapists could be linked to improve the clinical adherence and assist in global care of the patients. It can also provide data analysis and provide patients with the trend in their health. Great post!
